Picture Pages -- August 26th, Part II
Here is the second installment of pictures. Shots from August 27th will follow shortly.

Jamie and Me
In Stefanie's car, ready to see what else the evening would hold.

"What the...?"
As we drove down I-35 in Dallas, Jamie decided this was the time to make friends. She hollared and waved and barked and generally startled the other cars on the highway.
Amy B. and I just sat in the back and laughed until we cried.

Stef, Watch the Road!
We were flying down the North Dallas Tollway somewhere around 75-80 mph. Stefanie then tells Amy to snap a picture when she counts to three.
One, two, THREE....
She and Jamie turn completely around and pose while Amy snaps the picture from the backseat.
Thankfully, she stayed in her lane and nobody slammed on their breaks.
It was fun.......Alarming, but fun.
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