I Know Something I Don't Know
I have no idea what is going on, but I am completely excited about it. Seriously, I don't have any idea why I'm this excited, but I am. I literally feel like it is Christmas morning. What is going on? I went to bed last night excited, too. I even set my alarm for 6:20am instead of 7:00am because I just knew I would want to be up early today. Now, when 6:20 hit this morning, I wasn't as alert, but I was still up by 6:45 -- a full 15 minutes before necessary. What is all this about? Is somebody I care about going to win the lottery? I realize this would be highly unlikely, as no one in my family plays the lottery...But, hey, wouldn't it be just that much more exciting if they did?! Is David going to be "discovered" this weekend? I dunno. This is crazy.
Maybe it's because I haven't had any caffeine in almost two weeks and I had a Coke with dinner last night. That doesn't really seem likely, especially since caffeine generally makes me crabby. What is it that my spirit knows that I don't? I almost called Sheila at 7:30 this morning to see if everything was okay down there...but I decided not to. I didn't want to alarm her before she went to work. Besides that, it's just not cool to call people before 10am...period...ever.
Maybe mom and Allan are going to seal some great and wonderful deal that will turn into millions. AAAAHHHHH!! I wish I knew.
I'm a little concerned that all of this excitement will turn into "excitability" -- you know, when all of that energy just turns into me being high-strung. Yeah, but how often am I high-strung? (No comments needed, thank you. -- Shush!)
There are so many things approaching that really aren't, from what I can gather, reasons to be joyous. Maybe I've been focusing and dreading those impending events for so long, my spirit has decided to lift "just because". I suppose that could be it, too. There may not be a reason other than somewhere within myself I have just "chosen" to be really excited, because it feels good, it's fun. I guess I'll just have to ride this one out and see.
Mamy, did you get that job at Choctaw Nation? Jamie, did Randy put a ring on that pretty little finger of yours? Stefanie, did you find a new place to work in Sherman? Chris goes back to Alaska today, but that's never been grounds for me to be this happy. And my 34th birthday is in 6 days -- yeah, I think I just knocked a little wind out of my sail with that one...no wait, a lot of wind. ...huh
I've already got a draft of my next post started. I planned on finishing that today. I probably still will, just have to wait and see. I just had to write about this incredible feeling I am experiencing. David encouraged me to just go with it, take it for what it is, be happy with it. He also said I could be excited about getting Lydia dressed after she finishes breakfast. Wa-hoo!
I felt like this before David went to Europe. I just knew it was going to be a great experience for him. I've felt like this on a couple of Christmas mornings, but that was always tempered with some other undesireable feeling I would try to keep at bay. I felt like this before I went to Durant to help Jamie. Well, this is exhausting. I'm finished writing about it. What's even weirder is I'm not even in all that great of a mood. I'm not in a particularly bad mood, but I'm certainly not in a "It's a Happy, HAPPY DAY!!" (insert cheesy background music and animated blue birds) mood either.
Like I said, we'll just have to wait and see. If you have a fantastic-o reason to be excited today, please let me know. I would really enjoy hearing about it.
Well, have a great one!
I haven't heard anything and the job "supposedly" starts Monday...so I'm thinking I didn't get it and she just didn't call me like she said she would...yeah. But I'm going to put another app in on Monday for another dept.
But for some exciting news...Addison crawled today!! To me! Like a distance over five feet, to me! It was so exciting yet sad in the same moment.
Glad you had a "happy" day too!
Awh!! *tear* That's wonderful news! Junior's taking her first itty bitty steps, er, crawls to becoming a woman. Well, we won't think about that just yet. Let's just see if we can make it to her first birthday and then we'll go from there.
Give her a big X&O from Auntie Kate the Great. I miss you a ton. Really wish you could be here. Hey, aren't you only enrolled in online classes? You know, I have a computer! ; )
Love you!
Always the tempter...
Oh, I found out today that I didn't get that job at Choctaw Nation, but I had them send my app to another dept today, so we'll just keep those fingers crossed still.
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