I've Been Cropped!
Amy, this is for you.
As many of you may or may not know, the picture I used for my profile was not originally of just Lauren and me. Several attempts were made to crop the original picture to show just the faces of all three of us, Amy (Mamy), me, and Lauren. However, because of the pixels and whatnot, when I posted the picture we all three looked like we were missing some teeth as well as any number of other unattractive conditions. So I cropped, and re-cropped, and tried some more. Finally, after I lost Amy and all but just the faces of Lauren and me, a picture that somewhat resembled us was posted.So, I talked to Amy tonight and sheepishly asked if she'd seen the new profile pic. She said, "Yeah. And my first reaction was 'I've been cropped!'" But, she forgave me and said she understood why I would crop the picture so that it only showed Lauren and me...you know, it's a blog of Lauren and it made sense to her that she wouldn't be in the picture anymore, etc., etc. I assured her the first several attempts absloutely included her in the picture. After explaining there was too much detailing in the photo and there was no way to get it to display accurately, she said she'd had a similar experience on a similar project, so she understood.
But now, for all to see...THE ORIGINAL

(Unfortunately, due to technological limitations
-- and vanity --
I chose to post a much-cropped version of this beautiful photograph.)
(Man...We looked good!)
I love you, Amy.
I thought I recognized that picture. You guys are beautiful!
Sheila! Awh, I'm really glad you left a comment. It's nice to know you were here. Isn't it amazing what a shower and a little makeup can do?
I'm glad you have a copy of this. It's such a great picture -- one of my favorites.
Talk to you soon, I love you!
HA!!! And I am the one who took it!!!
*taking a bow*...
*thank you*...
*thank you*...
Loves, SA
Thanks mom's (sheila and katy)!! And SA, you did a wonderful job...props to you, too. ;) I'm glad there are such great pics from that night...especially my finger in SA's nose. ~mamy~
OH, and I love you too!! *hugs* -mamy
Yall are so awesome! I am SO TRULY BLESSED to have all of you in my life. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!
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