Monday morning, June 19, 2006
I flew to Dallas in the very early-morning hours that day. Tim (Stefanie’s husband and my “little brother”) graciously agreed to pick me up from the airport. Having just come from an hour and a half flight with little more to do than think about the purpose of my trip, I was, needless to say, blue when he came to get me. Once in the car, he immediately began playing marching band arrangements of Malaguena, Echano, and the like, and discussed the “show” potential of each with me. After just a little while in the car, I grinned, thanked him, and told him he really knew how to cheer a girl up. We shuttled around Dallas for a while, running necessary errands. One of which was FedEx-ing Stefanie, who was in Minneapolis on business, her suitcase that had been left behind. Why was her suitcase left behind? Because she’d arrived at the airport too late to check baggage. She was forced to board deficient of everything she’d packed for the week-long trip. It was now Tim’s job to get it to her, and my job to supervise. (I received my very own phone call from Stef pleading with me to make sure Tim did it right.) I assured her it would all be done correctly and she would have her change of clothes as quickly – and frugally – as possible. From there, having had no breakfast and with noon rapidly approaching, I cajoled Tim out of Hooter’s and into Mexican food for lunch. (Already a Mexican food fiend, I find it necessary to indulge when in the Dallas area, as KC has nary a decent Mexican restaurant to my knowledge.)
Once seated, Tim said he would call Stefanie and let her know the luggage was on its way…but that’s not exactly what he did. The voicemail he left her went something like this: “Just wanted to let you know that overnighting your suitcase was going to be, like, $350. So, we just sent it ground and it should be there by Thursday. Katy said that was the best way to go, so that’s what we did. Love you, bye.” (This was all, of course, untrue. Overnight delivery w
as indeed ridiculously expensive. She could have purchased replacements for everything in the suitcase with the funds required to send it. Instead, we chose two-day air, which would arrive Tuesday evening...still inconvenient, but much better than the ruse Tim had concocted. Keep in mind, Stefanie was to return home on Friday. So, her bags arriving Thursday would virtually do her no good at all.) I chided him for leaving his new wife such a false and malicious message…and at a time like this! How could he do that to her? And all the while, still smiling?! She was going to freak! So I did what any decent and loving friend in my position would do…I went along with it. I knew if she received a similar phone call from me, she would have no choice but to believe what we said was true. Containing my laughter and composing myself, I called. “Hey, sending your bag next-day air was way too expensive so we just sent it ground. They said it would be there no later than Thursday at 5p.m. It could get there earlier. So, keep your fingers crossed and hopefully you’ll have clean panties before you leave Minneapolis! Love you, bye!” Almost before I could close my phone I laughed freely, knowing Lauren would have approved whole-heartedly. ...My spirit lifted.
Once seated, Tim said he would call Stefanie and let her know the luggage was on its way…but that’s not exactly what he did. The voicemail he left her went something like this: “Just wanted to let you know that overnighting your suitcase was going to be, like, $350. So, we just sent it ground and it should be there by Thursday. Katy said that was the best way to go, so that’s what we did. Love you, bye.” (This was all, of course, untrue. Overnight delivery w

After an outstanding meal and the hilarity of a well-executed prank at the expense of one of my closest friends, we were on our way to Van Alstyne, to Jamie's house. ...My mood faded as the tasks that lay ahead of me, and the very purpose for my early arrival, seeped back into my consciousness. I began working to keep the anxiety at bay, but it was rapidly gaining ground...
Stefanie and Me
SOSU Band Banquet, 2004
See?! We really do love each other!
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