By the by...

Living as many Lauren days as I can.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Home is...Where?

What an amazing weekend! I haven't had that much fun, or worked that hard, or taught that fast, or cried that much, or felt so at a while. I think this may have been the first time I've ever felt like I was really "at home" in so many places where I do not live. It was very strange how that worked. Staying at Stef's, on the floor, on a pool floatie, with the cat that made me sneeze, I was at home. At Jamie's parents' house, with her brother and sister criticizing my eating habits, watching "The Aviator", doing nothing, I was at home. At Randy's, with Thomas and Neil, playing pool, drinking a beer, watching "Anchorman", throwing off Randy and Thomas with a shoulder check, I was definitely at home. At the rec, waiting on campus police to open the building, working the girls for a solid 90 minutes without a break, waiting to see if the cheerleaders were going to impose, feeling unparalleled relief when they left, being surrounded by young women who all share at least one common bond...that was not just home, that has been my life for almost 10 years now. As I was leaving the rec to head to Dallas, I was reminded that it had indeed been two full years since I'd been on payroll at Southeastern. But on that Monday afternoon, two years felt more like I'd just come back from a long weekend. To make matters that much more comfortable (or uncomfortable, depending on how I feel at the time) it turns out that I've taught two of the four new girls before at camps or choreography clinics. All along, I'd felt like once Jamie was gone, Amanda might call once in a while, or not, but I would likely be washing my hands of this extracurricular activity after Jamie graduated. And now, come to find out, I do know the new guard, these girls do know me, and I have worked with them.

Adrianne called me last night and I told her some of the weekend's highlights. She commented on how unusual it is that my ties at Southeastern are still intact. Out of all the people who have gone through there, except for Tim, I am the only one still affiliated with anything at that school...and I live two states away. Adrianne and I couldn't help but wonder if this would continue much longer, or if it means that David and I will someday be back there. Who knows...only God. I suppose my continued involvement doesn't really have to represent anything to come. It could just mean there is a need and I am the one God chose for this purpose. Still, sometimes I just have to wonder. But, whether I am destined to remain a support for those who come through the color guard class at Southeastern, or if I really will be moving in a different direction, I will stand on faith that I am where God wants me.

There is so much more I want to write about the weekend. In good time, I suppose.

For now...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're on myspace! Read my lastest blog. Sorry I haven't called in the past few'll see why. Love and miss you! ~

11:42 AM, September 02, 2006  
Blogger Katy said...

Just know that I'm thinking about you and praying for you. I love you, too. I'm sorry this is so hard right now, but this too shall pass. Remember what I told you before I left... It will all work. We'll make it work. ~

3:08 PM, September 02, 2006  

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